Preservation of the Pollen Nation

By Nikki Florio

The Great Pollen Nation
The Pollen Nation is a collective of thousands of species of winged and terrestrial insects, birds, bats, and small mammals. These animals have evolved with flowering plants in ecosystems throughout our planet. Without them, we will be left with only wind pollinated plants.

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Ecosystem evolution, balance, and value rests on the backs of these extraordinary animals. From soil stabilization, fertilization and water retention and remediation, to nutrient dense food output, they are one of the primary reasons we have an abundance of terrestrial life.

Mass Extinction
The nutrient rich foods pollinators provide, have allowed humans to evolve and reproduce with numbers beyond 7.7 billion. Unfortunately, the rest of the planet has not fared so well. Earth is experiencing the sixth great mass extinction event, losing hundreds of species of plants and animals each day. Pollinators are a portion of those losses.

Pollinator Losses
There are many known reasons behind pollinator losses. Loss of habitat and forage, poisons in ecosystems, toxins from agrochemical practices and genetically/bio-engineered agriculture, cellular arrays/antenna, and microwave impacts. And, for honeybees, additional impacts include too many uneducated “backyard beekeepers,” taking too much honey— their evolutionary winter food source—and replacing it with nutrient deficient/unnatural substitutes. 

Geoengineering Impacts
One of the greatest unknown factors behind pollinator/plant losses lies in impacts from geoengineering. Defined as “deliberate large scale intervention of Earth’s natural systems to counteract climate change,” these projects have far greater impacts than small scale “weather modification.” Executed without the general knowledge or consent of community members and small farmers, these projects use a variety of technologies to manipulate natural weather/ patterns for science, military, and commercial purposes. State and federal laws allow for these projects to take place and are highly profitable for those invested.  

One of the most dangerous technological rollouts in history, 5G, has deadly impacts on soils, plants, pollinators, and all life on Earth. 5G uses millimeter wave technology whose ultra-high frequencies damage everything from plant and animal/human DNA, to honeybee/insect exoskeletons, and more. The stated goal of 5G is to increase internet speed and to connect the Internet of Things (IoT); however its health impacts make it a force to be reckoned with.  

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Preservation of the Pollen Nation
If we wish to save our extraordinary pollinators, and preserve life on Earth, we must take action today. At current extinction rates, children today will not be the next generation, but one of the last.

  • Purchase organic foods: organic agriculture preserves ecosystems for pollinators, keeping soils and waterways clean

  • Purchase sustainable products: research companies to ensure your products protect the environment and communities

  • Stop geoengineering: learn about the projects and technologies impacting our planet

  • Stop 5G: 5G technologies stand to make investors billions of dollars while damaging every living thing on Earth.

Bee aware. Bee proactive. Bee heroic.

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Nikki Florio is the founder/director of Bee Heroic, a project that focuses on pollinator and climate issues and impacts, and she is an extension of the non-profit organization, Tahoe Regional Environmental Education (TREE). She has a background in natural sciences and environmental psychology. Nikki Florio will be participating in the Nevada Humanities Salon: Bees, the Canary in the Coal Mine? You can join in this Salon on Friday, May 17 at 6 pm at Sundance Books & Music in Reno.


Images/Valerio Spinazzi, Nikki Florio

Nevada Humanities