Humanities Heart to Heart
Humanities Heart to Heart is a series of essays and multimedia presentations created by Nevadans that highlight diverse, personal perspectives from all corners of the Silver State, reflecting on life during the COVID-19 pandemic. Join us as we share, watch, and listen to each other's stories.
Is there a story that you or someone you know might like to share with us as a part of our COVID-19 narrative series? E-mail Kathleen Kuo, Nevada Humanities Program Manager and curator of Humanities Heart to Heart, at if you are interested or would like more information about how to contribute. We would love to hear from you as you read through and reflect on these heart-to-hearts.

Gina Parham, Las Vegas, NV
G. J. Sanford, Reno, NV
Christopher M. Church, Reno, NV
Nancy Good, Las Vegas, NV
Michelle Aucoin Wait, Reno, NV
Pablo Gonzalez Flores, Las Vegas, NV