Delegation + Design
By Mark Salinas
Representation in the arts has shifted dramatically over the years from a traditional means of marketing–through established gallery or talent agency representation–to more expedited manners, which connects the artist and audience directly.
For most artists, methods of remote self-representation—thanks to the internet—were commonplace before the pandemic. Lesser equipped with such physical flexibility are the traditional arts and culture brick-and-mortars whose artists, audience, and income rely heavily upon in-person experiences.
So, what is the solution for supporting direct artist-to-audience experiences when the inability to convene groups of people and physical distancing practices impact programming?
Perhaps one solution is a renewed appreciation for alternative commercial spaces.
Specifically, I have in mind, a 24/7-hour venue in Reno, Nevada covering 1,540 acres, which attracts an international audience who happens to be in constant, masked motion. You know the one.
In February 2019, when we were still able to celebrate the arts in-person, I had an opportunity to produce an art exhibition at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) during the 80th Session of the Nevada Legislature. The intention of this installation was to manifest the Carson City arts community as the first and last impression on delegates’ minds. At a gathering of 187 reception attendees, enough to fill a Boeing 737, Nevada Assemblywoman Sarah Peters (District 24) stated to the crowd, “Art is the universal language. There is perhaps no greater form of expression that allows people to bridge communities and cultures together.”
Arkworks/Lolita Develay representing Las Vegas-Clark County Library Galleries (District 18).
Last fall, I contacted a diverse assortment of arts and culture organizations scattered throughout Nevada’s 21 state senate districts soliciting each to nominate one visual artist to represent their organization in the 2021 legislative art exhibition at RNO. Nominating entities included colleges, museums, galleries, non-profits, artist studios, arts districts, county and municipal entities, tribal reservations, and tourism offices.
Propelling Nevada through the Arts showcases this ambitious assembly of artwork while seeking to advance arts advocacy in the minds of traveling delegates to and from the state capital.

Through an exhilarating alliance of state-wide art organizations and artists, possibly the most visually and socially diverse display of talent you can imagine has been achieved through the efforts of Cultural Alliance Nevada and Sierra Arts Foundation, the presenting partners of this exhibition which opened January 28 and closes April 8, 2021.
In addition to creating that rare first and last (direct) art impression for the general public, both non-profit organizations are sharing the exhibition with elected officials in the Nevada State Legislature to underscore the social, health, and economic value of the arts for our Nevada communities.
Although no formal reception will be held, this has not diminished the ambition or the energy of the artists. These creatives represent Nevada’s entrepreneurs, communication specialists, and problem-solvers–true ambassadors of humanity bridging communities and cultures. Take for example Ross Takahashi, nominated by Nevada State College (District 12) who drove his stunning bronze works to Reno, or Larry Rush, nominated by the City of North Las Vegas (District 1) who plans to fly to Reno with his wife to see the exhibit.
Such representation embodies who Nevada artists truly are—connectors of communities.
Double Down Blogger image credit/Mark Salinas.
Mark Steel Wool Salinas is an independent art consultant in Reno, Nevada. He serves as a board member for the Art Spot Reno, the City of Reno Arts + Culture Commission, Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, Nevada Arts Council, and Americans for the Arts Public Art Network. Salinas provides public art consulting, creative content, and program management for clients including Forecast Public Art, Smart Growth America, the Reno-Tahoe International Airport, Nevada First Lady Kathy Sisolak, and the Nevada State Museum. Mark is also the recipient of the 2019 Nevada Humanities Rising Star Award.
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