El corazón de las humanidades

Por Genevy Machuca

Hola a todos, mi nombre es Genevy Machuca y estoy encantada de compartirles el emocionante inicio de mi viaje de pasantía con Nevada Humanities. Como estudiante de primer año en la Universidad de Nevada, Reno, estudiando dos carreras, una en periodismo televisivo y la otra en español, mi camino hacia esta increíble oportunidad comenzó con una pasión por la poesía y hablar en público.

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Christianna Shortridge
door to door

By Emilee Wirshing

you may have noticed something missing,
an inventory of your guest rooms will tell you
someone kept a souvenir
and while your kind,
no-questions-asked policy
of covering the shipping
on the bronze stamped diamond tags
is often an invitation to return them…
my grandfather had no intention
of giving back your keys;

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Christianna Shortridge
Of Meditation and Redemption—Two Poems

By Shaun T. Griffin

Floating the Yangtze Shallows, Still as Rice—

one oar tipping the water to shore,
and Wang Wei lays a reed across the bow
like the heron, quiet overhead.

No thing can stop such flight—the poet
in his boat—a single tremor
on the water.  This is how the smoke

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Christianna Shortridge
Welcoming a New Year Filled with Meaning, Joy, and an Abundance of Humanities Moments

By Christina Barr

When the members of the Nevada Humanities Board of Trustees and our staff gather together we often begin our meetings with a round robin of people sharing their most recent humanities moments. Everyone talks about humanities programs they have attended; books, movies, holidays, and celebrations laden with cultural significance; journeys they have taken to explore new cultures; family history projects; and much more.

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Christianna Shortridge