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Wonders of Nature: Negative Space Watercolor Workshop with Rossitza Todorova

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Negative Space Watercolor Workshop with Rossitza Todorova
During this watercolor workshop, participants will learn how to paint layers of transparent color to create dimension and visual depth using color and contrast. We will utilize natural materials like leaves and branches to create our subject matter.

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Recommended Art Supplies
To follow along at home, you will need watercolor paper, masking tape, and a board to tape paper onto, watercolors, graphite pencil, various sized brushes along with a bigger flat brush for wetting your paper, a watercolor mixing tray, a cup with clean water and natural materials like leaves or branches.

About Rossitza Todorova
Rossitza Todorova is a professional artist and art educator. Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, Rossitza Todorova immigrated to the United States as a child. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2005 and her Master of Fine Arts degree in Drawing from the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, School of Art at Arizona State University in 2013. Todorova is currently a full-time Studio Art Instructor at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, Nevada.

 Rossitza Todorova's artwork is in the permanent collections of the Nevada Museum of Art in Reno, Arizona State University Art Museum in Tempe, Tucson Museum of Art, the University of Arizona Art Museum in Tucson, the Painting and Sculpture Museum in Istanbul, Turkey, and numerous private collections. She is a recipient of the 2015 Phoenix Art Museum Contemporary Forum Artist Grant and was a 2013 Squire, Sanders Art Fellow. Her work is in catalogs and publications, including the 2013 Lark Crafts publication "500 Artists Books: Volume 2," 2014, "Studio Visit, Volume 25," 2016" Superstition Review-Journal, Issue 18" and 2019, "Create! Magazine, Issue 14."

Rossitza Todorova currently makes artwork out of her studio, located at Artemisia Studios in Reno, Nevada.