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Humanities at Play: Silicon Dreams with Stone Addington

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Get to know other state humanities council staff from around the nation! We will play Silicon Dreams with Stone Addington, Director of Programs at Humanities Washington. Come ready to discuss AI, cognitive science, and philosophy, while also learning about humanities programming in Washington.

Stone Addington, Ph.D., is the Director of Programs at Humanities Washington, overseeing Public Humanities Fellows, Think & Drink, Speakers Bureau, Prime Time Family Reading, and special initiatives. Stone received his Ph.D. from the Department of Philosophy at the University of Washington, where he continues to teach. His research focuses on public philosophy, rationality, and the epistemology of extremism. Stone serves on the Washington Museum Association’s Board of Directors and as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Questions: Philosophy for Young People.

Humanities at Play explores and showcases the significance of the humanities in everyday life through games, media, and popular culture. Join us for dynamic and interactive online and in-person events designed to spark thoughtful conversation and reflection. Learn more at