Join us for a Humanities at Play livestream on January 7, 2025 as we finish our playthrough of the acclaimed platform-adventure game Gris with Dustin Howard, City of Reno Poet Laureate Emeritus. Join us for a conversation exploring grief, hope, poetry, creativity, writing, and more.
Audience participation is welcome and encouraged. While no account is needed to tune in, we encourage you to create a free account so you can participate in the chat with us.
Dustin Howard is the former City of Reno Poet Laureate. He is the author of the supernatural thriller novel, Breakvale, several collections of poetry, and Every Day Poetry, a poem-a-day instructional poetry manual. He resides in Reno, Nevada, though his heart will always belong to the Ozarks.
Humanities at Play explores and showcases the significance of the humanities in everyday life through games, media, and popular culture. Join us for dynamic and interactive online and in-person events designed to spark thoughtful conversation and reflection. Learn more here.