Join us for a Humanities at Play livestream with ethnomusicologist and political anthropologist Max Jack (Indiana University Bloomington). During the first hour of our program, we will play through part of the puzzle simulation game Papers, Please, before moving onto a Q&A and conversation with Jack about his work and research on sound studies, music and sport, grassroots movements and protests, and more.
In Papers, Please, players take the role of a border-crossing immigration officer in the fictional dystopian country of Arstotzka. Papers, Please has garnered numerous awards and nominations, and is considered to be an empathy game, as well as an example of a video game as an art form.
Audience participation is welcome and encouraged. While no account is needed to tune in, we encourage you to create a free account so you can participate in the chat with us.
Image Credit: Nevada Humanities
Max Jack is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Indiana University in the Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology. With field sites in Ireland and Germany, his research explores hardcore soccer fans, their connections to radical politics (mainly on the left) and their ongoing conflicts with the state. Max received his PhD from the University of California of Santa Barbara in 2019 and has since held postdoctoral positions in Berlin at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.
Humanities at Play explores and showcases the significance of the humanities in everyday life through games, media, and popular culture. Join us for dynamic and interactive online and in-person events designed to spark thoughtful conversation and reflection. Learn more here.