Nevada Humanities is partnering with the Desert Research Institute on a new series of events in Reno and Las Vegas. Curiosity Lab by DRI brings together storytellers from science, the humanities, and the arts to illuminate our shared connection to the state of Nevada.
Join us for an evening of storytelling that delves into the mysteries of exploring what once seemed unreachable. The Possible Unknown highlights stories of curiosity, innovation, and determination that open doors to new frontiers—whether through groundbreaking technology, scientific discovery, or personal journeys. Discover how the impossible becomes possible and the unknown becomes accessible to all.
Featured storyteller: Megan Stueve, assistant research scientist, anthropology/archaeology at DRI, will tell a story that is still unfolding. Megan is documenting hiking trails throughout state parks in Nevada using 3D technology. The result is an immersive and accessible digital space where visitors can explore Nevada hiking trails even if hiking those trails is physically impossible.