Jenny Raven- The Creative Growth Years 1979-1984 - Exhibition

The Capital City Arts Initiative [CCAI] presents its exhibition, Jenny Raven: The Creative Growth Years 1979 – 1984 with artwork by artist Jenny Raven in the city’s Community Center Sierra Room, 851 E William Street, Carson City. The exhibition is available to the public from July 2 – October 18, 2018.

Jenny Raven lived in San Diego, California, until the middle 70s. Following surgery for a brain tumor that left her disabled with limited short-term memory, her family moved to Berkeley, California. There she was able to access purpose and artistic guidance at Creative Growth Art Center. Raven worked in a variety of media, but she preferred drawing with pen and ink. During the last five years of her life, she thrived as an artist at CGAC.

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