Why I Showed Up: A Conversation with Nevada Elected Officials on How They Came to Politics


From local races to seats in the state legislature, Nevada continues to see an unprecedented number of young, new candidates running for and holding elected office. Join Nevada Humanities for a conversation with some of these elected officials across the state, including Commissioner Alexis Hill (Washoe County Commissioner), Senator Nicole Cannizzaro (Nevada State Senator), Mayor Daniel Corona (Mayor, West Wendover), and Senator Ben Kieckhefer (Nevada State Senator), as they discuss what it means to them to serve their communities. This event is moderated by Dr. Todd Felts, Teaching Associate Professor of Public Relations & Advertising at the Reynolds School of Journalism at the University of Nevada, Reno. This event was live streamed on Thursday, February 18, 2021, at 6 pm PST.


Mayor Daniel Corona
Mayor, West Wendover

Senator Nicole Cannizzaro
Nevada State Senator


Commissioner Alexis Hill
Washoe County Commissioner


Senator Ben Kieckhefer
Nevada State Senator

This program is produced by Nevada Humanities and funded by the “Why It Matters: Civic and Electoral Participation” initiative, administered by the Federation of State Humanities Councils and funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Nevada Humanities