Norms: What are they Good For?

By Katharine Schweitzer

A culture of political debate and dissent, free and fair elections, and the peaceful transition of power are among the goals of contemporary American democracy. Contested elections and revolutionary fervor in other countries serve as a reminder that democratic self-governance is a challenging collective project.

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By Ismael Santillanes
For the first five years in prison, nothing more closely describes my life as this: I existed. Nothing more. Then I met Gary, incarcerated by then for many years. One day, out for a walk around the prison yard, he pointed out someone whose eyes were lifeless.

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Happy Holidays!

By the Staff of Nevada Humanities

We wish you a joyous holiday season and look forward to sharing with you all the humanities have to offer from Reno to Las Vegas and every place in between.

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Where Are You From?

By Daria Peoples-Riley

Because people come to live in Las Vegas from all over the world, before the exchange of names or even general references to the scorching weather, we often ask, “Where are you from?”

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What Our Teacher Taught Us

By Joe Milan Jr.

We write to be loved, admired, or at the very least, taken seriously. However, Professor Doug Unger only promises to converse with us, his students, about how to be a writer in the world.

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By Gregory Crosby

October is my favorite month, even if, growing up in Las Vegas, it didn’t feel remotely autumnal until Halloween, not coincidentally my favorite holiday (even if so many of my friends insisted on celebrating something called “Nevada Day”).

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Unexpected Channels Through Familiar Ground

By Scott Dickensheets

It’s a quiet September Saturday, and I’m thinking hard about how fragile life, civilization, and everything really are. Not because something’s wrong, at least not in my immediate world, but rather because nothing seems wrong: the grandkids are squealing, the dogs are sleeping, several of the bills are paid.

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Dear Victor Hugo

By Elise Choi
This letter is one of the 2018 “Letters About Literature” winners for the state of Nevada.

Dear Victor Hugo,

My two sisters, I, and my parents are members who constitute our family. Although my parents are fully devoted to their daughters, maybe due to the principle of mathematics, only two children can receive full attention from two adults at same moment.

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Why I Write?

By Cassandra D. Little, PhD, MSW

Growing up in the inner city of East Palo Alto, California and being surrounded by drugs, violence, and poverty, reading and writing offered me the opportunity to escape my reality and dream of a world that I wanted to live in.

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