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Humanities at Play: one night, hot springs with Naseem Jamnia

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Join us for a United We Stand program on Humanities at Play with award-winning Nevada author Naseem Jamnia. During the first hour of our program, we will play one night, hot springs; the second hour of our program will consist of an interactive Q&A and interview where we will learn more about Naseem’s work, radical writing, inclusivity and social justice, and more.

Naseem Jamnia is the Judith A. Markowitz award-winning author of fantasy novella The Bruising of Qilwa, which was nominated for the Crawford, Locus, and World Fantasy awards. Their middle grade horror debut, Sleepaway, comes out from Aladdin in 2025. A Persian-Chicagoan and child to Iranian immigrants, Naseem lives with their husband and four furred creatures outside of Reno, NV. Find out more and join their newsletter at or follow them on IG, @jamsternazzy. 


Humanities at Play explores and showcases the significance of the humanities in everyday life through games, media, and popular culture. Join us for dynamic and interactive online and in-person events designed to spark thoughtful conversation and reflection. Learn more at

This program is made possible by funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the United We Stand: Connecting Through Culture initiative.