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Humanities at Play: Cradle with Kip Grosvenor Hutchins

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Join us on Humanities at Play for an early celebration of Naadam, a traditional Mongolian summer festival. During this stream, we will learn more about foodways, folk songs, and traditions connected with Naadam from Kip Grosvenor Hutchins, a cultural anthropologist and Visiting Assistant Professor in Anthropology and Environmental Studies at Oberlin College.

We’ll spend the first hour of our program playing through the game Cradle before switching to an interactive Q&A and conversation during the second hour, as we also learn more about music and the environment, and Mongolia in the popular science-fiction imagination. Audience participation is welcome and encouraged!

Kip Grosvenor Hutchins is a cultural anthropologist interested in the intersection of music and the environment. He is a visiting assistant professor in the Departments of Anthropology and Environmental Studies at Oberlin College. His research focuses on the roles that nonhuman animals, spirits, and other beings can play in cultural heritage, particularly in Mongolia and Southern Appalachia. He has been working with musicians and nomads in Mongolia since 2010, where his research has focused on the morin khuur, or “horse-head fiddle.”

Humanities at Play explores and showcases the significance of the humanities in everyday life through games, media, and popular culture. Join us for dynamic and interactive online and in-person events designed to spark thoughtful conversation and reflection. Learn more at